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  • Internationally-Accredited Treatment Of Digital Addictions

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    Technology Misuse, Abuse, Dependence & Addiction

    The ”A” Word isn’t Just ‘A Word’ 

    It’s important to first be clear about the language we use when talking with someone struggling. Our brains are wired to take ‘shortcuts’ and to thus categorize  people, places and things without as much nuance as may be needed.  Stereotypes, for example, are one way this can manifest as can all-or-nothing, absolutist thinking.

    For someone struggling with the overuse of screens, the word Addicted or Addiction can frequently by used as a catch-all.  The ”A” word itself has immense stigma attached to it, and it is critical to not label or pathologize someone simply because we as a loved one see their behavior as detrimental.  Shame is toxic and corrosive, eating away at the relationship like an acid, thus creating more distance between you at the same time.

    There is also a very wide spectrum of severity with what technically qualifies as ‘addiction’. An even wider spectrum with what we might call misuse or abuse.

    Examples of these behaviors themselves include digital gaming, social media use, binging Youtube or other streaming platforms, online shopping, etc. Others might struggle with their use of online gambling or compulsive pornography.

    Below are the defining factors, with basic examples, seen in someone who may meet criteria:

    • Mood changes- They are happy when engaged in X behavior. Anxiety, anger, irritability increase over time when not engaged in the behavior. Can include cravings for doing so.
    • Conflict- With parents, partner, teachers, coaches, friends, etc. 
    • Salience- The behavior is the most important thing in their life. Other priorities slip away, such as fundamentals like self-care (hygiene, eating, sleeping). Often includes binges of many hours without breaks or a shift in their priorities.
    • Isolation- Avoids social, familial and intimate relationships or does bare minimum to retain connection.

    What to Expect 

    As with treatment for any complicated disease or disorder, a huge component of treatment success is based on the treatment provider’s competence, understanding of the presenting problems and knowledge of the most evidenced-based treatment methods. This is why your primary care provider refers you to see specialists rather than trying to treat everything themselves.

    My ResetFromTech™ program utilizes psychotherapy methodologies which are designed specifically for the treatment of Digital Misuse, Abuse & Addictions.

    Having many years of specialized training and experience in treating substance use disorders and compulsive behaviors has helped me to better understand what treatment methods and techniques are most effective for each individual. As a psychotherapist, I consider it both my passion and my duty to be in a constant state of professional development, from attending annual conferences around Digital Addiction Treatment Methods to gaining certifications in the treatment of the most prevalent mental health disorders that co-occur (e.g. Social Phobia/Social Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, etc).

    My professional network is always growing, allowing me unique opportunities to participate in innovative research initiatives around the world, find free/low-cost supplemental resources for my clients and maintain awareness of the newest evidence-based practices being used by the world’s leading experts.

    While the below is a general overview of what to expect, each situation, family and client are unique.  As a result of these unique needs, I am a major proponent of making individualized treatment plans for every new client rather than using a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach.

    Example of the First Session

    Upon meeting for the first time, we will review any questions or concerns, legal and confidentiality rules and documentation along with the Informed Consent.  This will include addressing any financial or scheduling concerns. The starting process of treatment is known as the Assessment.   This phase often is completed within 1st & 2nd sessions, after which point the treatment itself will begin.

    A unique assessment process using the latest tools, questionnaires and a proprietary methodology which includes:

    • Technology use history, patterns, abuse/addiction chronology, origins and more.
    • Full DSM-V diagnostic evaluation
    • Strengths & Needs in various life domains such as School, Social, Family, Self-Care and more.
    • (For teens) Parental/caregiver interviews, as well as with the family as a whole
    • A specialized set of ‘homework’ is assigned that furthers the depth, scope, and accuracy of the assessment:
      • To the parent/caregiver(s)
      • To the patient
      • To the family


    There are many unique and complex factors in treating Digital Addictions. Gaming Addiction treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area, for example, may also require addressing the influence of Silicon Valley when compared with other locations. Treatment for any Digital Addiction must be consistent and thorough, including significant other or parent/caregiver involvement. The below is a general overview of the first 2 out of 3 phases and in no way is reflective of the entire process.

    Phase 1

    Developing foundational skills in areas such as self-regulation, communication, and self-care (exercise, sleep, hygiene & eating habits) ; raising awareness of negative behavioral, emotional and cognitive patterns. Exploring identity, values and motivators.  This phase includes minimal parent/caregiver involvement at first, increasing towards the end as the client begins to incorporate the aforementioned skills, subsequent emotional/cognitive improvements and positive lifestyle changes.​

    Phase 2

    A well-structured, gradual, systematic behavior modification process both in and out of the home. A slow decrease in electronic use coupled with an increase in healthy replacement behaviors. Phase 2 also involves guiding parent(s)/caregiver(s) in making significant changes to household rules and expectations in a collaborative and appropriate manner. In addition to such treatment, other areas addressed include social, familial, academic and continued identity/self-esteem development.

    Find Treatment, Healing, Growth and Support

    Are you or someone you care about struggling with misuse, abuse or possible addiction to Technology?  Take the first step towards recovery and growth by reaching out to me using the below information.  We can schedule a free phone or video call.

    There comes a time when we need some help from a certified professional to help cope with many of life’s challenges. I’m a licensed Psychotherapist in the San Francisco Bay Area and am here to help you on your journey toward healing and self-discovery.

    Since opening the doors of my practice, I have provided patients in the South Bay with a wide range of psychotherapy services and a primary focus on Technology Addiction Treatment.